:: hana yori dango ::

thumbs up for this japan movies….yehhh

cinta sgt2 mencabar bukan??walau besar mn cabaran itu tp kalo dia sudah d takdirkan utk kite dia pasti akan jadi milik kite kan…
hihihi..tetiba lak bermadah…chewahhhh…
tp mmg btl pun.dlm citer nie mmg cm tue….ssh btl cinta itu nk bersatu..halangan demi halangan d lalui tp akhirnya epi ending jugak..

i like it
i like it




When you feel all alone in this world,
And there’s nobody to count your tears,
Just remember no matter where you are
Allah Knows…Allah Knows

When you’re carrying a monster load,
And you wonder how far you can go,
With every step on that road that you take,
Allah Knows…Allah Knows

No matter what,
inside or out
There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt,
Allah Knows…Allah Knows

And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth,
Every star in this whole universe,
Allah Knows…Allah Knows

When you find that special someone,
Feel your whole life has barely begun,
You can walk on the moon,
shout it to everyone
Allah Knows…Allah Knows

When you gaze with love in your eyes,
Catch a glimpse of paradise,
And you see your child take the first breath of life,
Allah Knows…Allah Knows

When you lose someone close to your heart,
See your whole world fall apart,
And you try to go on but it seems so hard,
Allah Knows…Allah Knows

You see,
we all have a path to choose,
Through the valleys and hills we go,
With the up and the downs,
never fret never frown,
Allah Knows…Allah Knows

Every grain of sand,
in every dessert land,
He knows

Every shade of palm,
every closed hand,
He knows

Every sparkling tear,
on every eyelash,
He knows

Every thought I have,
every word I share,
He knows


by: Zain Bikha, feat Dawud Wharns
by Ali
album: Allah Knows

:: Timang timang Nama Timangan…entry ctmah…ekekeke ::


Nie sambungan dari blog ctmah…ekekeke..dia dok citer pasal nama timangan nie..byk jugak ea name2 glamor ctmah nget tu..hihii.

nie ant nama yg aku dpt r…

kaklong –> famili aku ler…
nurul –> kwn2 sek mse drjh 6 n abis form 5,n x lupe my sepupu2 lor
huda –> kwn2 mse form 6 n kat utem..lalalalala
noorul huda –> nama nie kdg2 ibu pggil kt umah..aisey sekali name penuh la plak..
da –> my luvly sis..
nooi — > my fren aliza..kate nya name aku pjg sgt so dia pendekkan..ahaks
along –> my adik2
uda –> kwn2 rapat sye
yuyul–> ana,kwn form 6
hud2–> jojos

nota : suke2 jek amik kt entry org…hikhik

:: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ::


tetibe lak teringat zaman belajar dolu2..dr sek rendah,sek men n zaman u..
byk sgt kenangan manis n pahit…kdg2 leh senyum sendiri je bile ingat balik semua tue..hihihi

lgi2 bl mak ayah citer balik mase 1st time aku g sek..hihi..kate dorang aku nie mmg semangat la..excited sgt2..maklum la x pernah g sekolah kan pe lgi g tadika..sampaika…nk g sekolah pun nk g sendiri xnk mak ayah antor..hihihi..bole gitu??

hmm…bukak citer pasal sekolah nie kan..ari nie last day cuti sekolah la…sok budak2 da start belajar balik..
n aku pun akn mula balik keje aku..sementara nk crik yg len tue pe slhnya kan aku amik pengalaman nie…rezeki ada d mana2..yg paling penting aku kena USAHA..

thanx my bff aku sbb ko phm aku..n selalu nasihat aku mase aku tgh down sgt2..thnx jugak sbb bg aku nasihat n kata2 semangat tue..aku tkkn lupe punyer…

thanx jgk utk kwn2 aku yg len..
syg korang semua…muaaaahhhhssss..

doakan hari esok bermula dgn baik n selamat semuanya..amin…

with lots of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


nota : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

:: epi neW year ::

Bye2 2009


welcome 2010


hari nie da 2 jan 2010..jap je masa berlalu kan..n kalo yg berkaitan dgn new year nie x len x bukan “pe azam baru??”
pe azam baru aku ek??hmmm..xde plan pape pn azam baru nyer…
cume aku berdoa agar diri ini menjadi lbh bek dr sblm ini…amin..

yg da lps2 xpyh d ingt2 lgi.jdikan pengajaran n mula gerak ke depan..

GAMBATE huda..u can do it bebeh..

:: giLer meLayan GokUsEn ::

Skang nie ngah giler r melayan…

–> Gokusen 1 (khatam)
–> Gokusen 2 (khatam)
–> Gokusen 3 (otw utk khatam) = da bis b4 new year..yehhhh

suke sgt sensei diorng tue…yamaguchi sensei a.k.a yankumi…hihi..
mmg best r layan..
hmm..pas nie nk layan citer pe lak ea..

any suggestion???



nota = skang nie dok lyn hana yori dango…

:: Pesta Tarian Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia Peringkat Putrajaya ::

Bace je entry kt atas tue msti tertanya2 kan??kan??

Actually event tu hari sabtu lps 19 dec…wt kat dataran putrajaya..pe kes aku sesat sampai sne ek..hihi..
My bff a.k.a cik yah yg ajak aku join event nie…pikir2 balik aku pn xde pe wat kat umah nape tidak aku ikut je kan..asyik memerap je keje aku x pon skang nie aku tgh gile melayan GOKUSEN..hihi..dh bis tau GOKUSEN 1 n GOKUSEN 2..
skang nie anytime la nak sambung balik GOKUSEN 3…hihihi..
best ooo citer tu.. FIGHT 0,oh!!!!

Berbalik kt tarian td tue kan…pergghhh…penat seh,nie mcm senamrobik jugak la cume nye dlm bentuk tarian..mmg salute r kat diorg yg pandai menari tue..pd aku tarian zapin la paling ssh sekali..step nyer ssh la..cmner la budak2 kecik tue belajar ek,msti asyik kena marah je kan..huhuhu..
n part paling aku suke sekali tarian org kite..tarian masy asli..hihihi….
dok crik2 org pastu geleng geleng geleng..hihihi…tu je r..

Program bis dlm kol 9 lbh n then kotorg decide nk blik umah lor..penat tau..hihi..
mmg r ada mcm2 program lps tarian tue tp kitorg x minat sgt nk tgk so balik r..
ni lgi 1…sgt2 sadis….huhu..
bayangkan kitorng tggu bas (bese r lom berkemampuan lgi)..hihi
dri kol 9 lbh nk dkt kol 12 bru sampai umah..sadis x????lama giler tggu bas..penat penat penat..
sampai umah pe lgi zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sbb penat menunggu punyer pasal sampaikan plan nk kuar pas zuhur terbantut gara2 kitorng zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sampai ptg..hahahaha..
punyelah penat kan..

Jadinya plan d ubah keesokan harinya..g Times Square n layan movie ‘The Princess n the frog’
Best jugak citer tue..kelakar…interesting n enjoy it so much…

nota : bile dpt join lgi nie..huhu